faqir Bilder- und Zahlenrätsel
In this app you can play with numbers and images assignments.
The exercises start easily and end up being very complicated.
With a touch on the button Go you start the game.
Make your choice
The first two options are simple image assignments.
The next three options are simple to medium allocations of number series.
The last two options are very difficult assignments.
By activating the checkbox you can arrange the results even more difficult.
You can play later with touch and move or click (eg. for Huawei mate s).
The series or images starts with the top circle of the rotating wheel.
With a touch or click on the Stop button you specify the start value.
Play simple with: greek gods
The images in the middle have an assignment to the images on the left.
The images in the middle however, have a different order as the images on the left.
E.g. the 9th picture on the left shows the greek god Hermes, messenger of the gods, with his winged helmet.
These include the winged shoes in the middle.<
1st possibility: Touch an image slightly and move it on the right emtpy field which you think is the right one.
2nd possibility: Click the images in the middle in the right order.
Pan and pan flute belong together
Ares and his shield
Zeus appeared Hera disguised as cuckoo
At Hestia belongs the fire
Artemins hunted with her bow
The symbol of Asklepios was the snake
The owl is the symbol of Athena
And Eros aimed the arrow to the hearts
Hermes travelled on his winged shoes
Play with numerical series: series 1 simple
The yellow numbers in the middle have a logical assignment to the numbers on the left.
The numbers in the middle however, have a different order as the numbers on the left.
1st possibility: Touch a yellow number slightly and move it on the right gray field which you think is the right one.
2nd possibility: Click on the yellow numbers in the right order.
The 1st number remains the same
The 2nd number is the sum of 1st + 2nd
The 3rd number is the sum of 2nd + 3rd
The 4th number is the sum of 3rd + 4th
The 5th number is the sum of 4th + 5th
and so on …